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Erawan falls and arriving in Koh Tao

17th Jun 2011 - 18th Jun 2011 -

Made some re-scheduling plans to take a bus later in afternoon as there are many of them and trains less frequent and leave earlier, so we had more time to explore Erawan falls which is about 1 hours drive outside of kanchanaburi...and by drive I mean we drove- on a scooter! I was scared and unsure at first as you always hear about Thailand being bad for bikes but Shannon is experienced and I trust him to look out for me (even though I don't trust the crazy Thai drivers who weave in and out and drive on wrong side) anyway the ride went great and I even managed to let Shannon breathe after a wee while once I'd prized my arms from round his waist. The roads were quiet and the route easy to follow, the views were stunning, rainforests and lush mountains. We stopped off for yummy Thai curries at a road side stall on way.

We arrived at Erawan National Park, paid for us and bike £8 and then started out trek. Walking and walking and stopping to take numerous photos and jump in the seven waterfalls. I wasn't as quick to get in as Shannon though as there are feet nibbling fish in the water but unlike our fish tank experience these were huge big fish. It's a rainforest so naturally it started raining and then poured just in time for us completing all seven tiers. It was a hard and long trek (especially in flip flops) but really worth it.

We rode back and again completely safe but the rain continued well out of the rainforest so wasn't as fun. Headed for the bus to Nakon Pathom which took 2 hours then we walked to find train station which is 10 minute walk behind bus stop, we got dinner from stall then got our train to Chumpon which took 7 and a half hours, long time....

Slept a little on the skanky 3rd class train. After a while we managed to get a bench each when the lady next to us with crying baby moved, so could spread out a little- as in lying knees against chest and feet hanging out the end, head squashed against window. There was a constant stream of people in loud Thai voices offering their goods, sprite, rice, prawns, coffee up and down the carriages they went all night bellowing away something I have no idea what. We stopped for ages in middle of black no-where and then a hundred or so dragon fly insects flew in the open windows into the stuffy carriage and were attracted to the bright neon light strips buzzing away and flapping all over the place- Shannon and everyone else obliviously sleeping through this while I sat upright curled in ball flapping my hands around whenever one came remotely close. I finally fell back to sleep and then we finally arrived at 0440 at Chumphon, we as every other backpacker, were greeted by someone from the ferry so we booked out transfer bus and ferry tickets to Koh Tao at £22.

Boat left a little late after 7am and took 1 and a half hours on high speed catamaran. The sun was shining over the islands and it looked lush, Shannon thought it looks just like jurrasic park. We got a taxi to the north of Sairee beach and found a hotel straight away which was meters from the beach called the Lotus. We went for lunch on beach cafe then laid out our (matching) beach towels and within minutes it started raining, headed back to hotel room where we had a nap and I washed our clothes for the first time. It poured all afternoon. Went to a restaurant/bar called Choppers which is Aussie so we both had Mexican. I used the free wifi whilst Shannon watched golf and football on tv. We then went down to our beach where there were flame throwers, had a drink and headed to bed, the music however went on until 3am- so guess we should have researched the area better, looks like we picked the lively area.

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