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Our Van

6th Jun 2012 - After spending a third of our Australian adventure in our campervan it was time to sell up our home. We had a great time and experience travelling around- surprising really as it was just an ex tradies van but the bed was comfortable (for the majority), had enough storage to keep all our crap hidden and apart from the odd tyre trouble the engine went a treat (and apart from using the choke to start it).We enjoyed endless hours chilling in the back watching DVD box sets and munching our way through far too many chunky soups and pasta dishes, shapes and Eat Natural sweets, cans of coke and solo. So here's a list of our vans facts and figures.... 28/01/2012 - 12/06/2012 - how long we owned the van 12/02/2012 - 12/06/2012 - how long we travelled 4 months - travelling, or 17 weeks or 119 nights 75 - nights sleeping in the van 44 - nights sleeping out the van, in either... (6 - campsites, 12 - at family and friends houses, 20 - in NZ, 5 - hostels, 7 - tours) 196,500 - kilometres on the clock when bought 215,000 - kilometres on clock at end 18,500 - total kilometres driven 2 - services 5 - tyre changes 136.9 - dollars per litre cheapest fuel (most cities) 240.0 - dollars per litre most expensive fuel (Uluru) $80.00 - to fill tank 550 - km a tank 34 - average times filled up with petrol $2,720 - fuel cost ($7,980 - price if renting a van for duration, with no change) $5,300 - price we paid for van $4,000 - price we sold the van

leaving our apartment to go on our road trip

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