Airline-Air Asia
Date- 21 / 11 / 17
Flight Number- AK6310
Route- Kuala Lumpur to Langkawi / KUL- LGK
Aircraft Type- A320-200
Flight Time- 1 hour 5
Departure Time- 1520 on time
ETA- 1625
Seat Number- 18E
Seat- Middle seat 3 | 3 Small seat pitch so a little cramped. Totally utterly amazing views flying into Langkawi

Occupancy- Almost full
Time Difference from Departure- Same as KL
Distance- 413km
Crew- Friendly and pretty
TV- None (so resorted to the below to pass the time :) haha)

Reading- Working on blog
Meal- Included in price. Sweet and sour chicken- Air Asia has the best airline food
Drinks- Included - Water
Passengers- Babies crying
Exercise- Short flight so none
Flight Reason- Had travelled to Australia to watch our friends get married and wanted to stop somewhere new on way home

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