Airline- easyJet
Date- 21st February 2020
Flight Number- EZY6908
Route- GVA- EDI ; Geneva to Edinburgh
Airport Experience- We dropped our hire car off and walked between the ‘French Sector’ and ‘Swiss Sector’ (being the airport crosses both countries). Upon arriving at check in we were told our flight would be over 2 hours delayed, this was due to a knock on effect of Storm Dennis which was battering the UK. In fact we would be 4 hours delayed in total. It isn’t the biggest airport, and soon the shops and restaurants were shutting as all other flights had departed. There was an announcement to collect our meal vouchers for being delayed, but as everyone trooped to the gate to collect, it slowly became apart it was one way past customs, so we all doubled back and got our better halves and then got our voucher which was a massive 15 francs per person. People didn’t know what to be spending the money on and there was about 100 of us all crowded round the only cafe still open grabbing everything we could to make it up to the full amount, it was all rather funny.
Hold Luggage- 1x 26 kg hold luggage @ £42.49 each way
Hand Luggage- 2 bags up to 7kg each
Price- Including outbound flight £439 for us both and 1 bag
Booked through- easyJet.com
Aircraft Type- A319
Flight Time- 2 hours
STD (Standard Departure Time) - 1940 delayed until 2355
ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) - 2100 arrived 0105
Seat Number- 21A and 21B
Seat- Fine, Shannon was at the window, I in the middle and a young boy who was no hassle on the aisle. We both slept most of the way
Aircraft- Very short turnaround time meant there was still some rubbish lurking in seat pockets and floor but that’s understandable I guess
TV- No
Occupancy- Full
Time Difference from Departure- -1 hour
Crew- I believe there were 4 cabin crew, all polite and attentive, even though they were probably tired after a long day of being delayed also. I do love the easyJet uniforms, they are so smart.
Reading- The brochures in the seat pocket
Meal- We had a sandwich and drink which we brought with us
Drinks- as above
Views From The Plane Window- It was night time the whole way, but we spotted London and then Edinburgh Castle on approach into Edinburgh Airport
Flight conditions- It was in the midst of Storm Dennis, so most of the flight was rather turbulent, the seatbelt signs remained on and it was rather choppy, especially on landing. Shannon said it was the worst turbulence he had ever experienced. I have experienced far worse as cabin crew though.
Flight Reason- Coming home from a week skiing in Portes Du Soleil
Interesting Fact- Shannon caught me looking at the cabin crew and asked if I missed flying- and to my surprise, I said I did.
Verdict- Good fight, the delay didn’t bother us (apart from being tired and still having to drive one hour from Edinburgh to Glasgow when we landed) but we understand that weather is out of everyones control.
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